Thursday, October 31, 2019
W4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
W4 - Essay Example Oral communication has an advantage of receiving feedback immediately. It is the most appropriate method of communication for effective discussions. The feedback takes a longer period of time to be received in written communication (Keyton & Shockley-Zalabak, 2009). In oral communication, information is obtained first hand from the speaker and therefore there is no possibility of distortion of facts. Moreover, the points that are not clear can be explained by the speaker especially due to the fact that communication is shared between him/her and the audience. Gestures and facial expressions can be used to enhance the clarity of information. However, there are several weaknesses in oral communication. In contrast to written communication, the speaker and the audience must be present for communication to be achieved. The advantage of written communication is that messages can be conveyed in the absence of the audience to be read later. It also enhances remembrance since the information can be referred from time to time, which may not be possible for information communicated orally. There is usually a coherent flow of ideas while writing, some of which might be forgotten in oral communication. On the other hand, written communication allows the de livery of substantial information, which may be difficult through oral communication. However, unlike oral communication, literacy is paramount for effective communication; hence it might not be applicable for the illiterate people. Communication through notices in the workplace allows all workers an opportunity to view information posted on a common place. This is more effective than oral communication whereby some employees may not receive clear information especially if they were absent at the time of the announcement (Shockley-Zalabak, 2005). Leadership communication is significant for the accomplishment of the goals of leadership. Oral and written communications allow
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Role within this section Essay Example for Free
Role within this section Essay Discuss, in detail, how you as a performer might approach a role within this section. You will need to give details of the part that you have chosen to play and intended audience response. You will need to include reference to voice, movement, characterisation and relationships created on stage. We are looking at Scene 2, page 20 to 25, from the Governors wifes line Only essentials! Quick, open the trunks. To the end of the scene. This section contains the characters: Grusha, The Governors wife, Cook, Chef, The young woman, Adjutant, A Fat woman, Nurse, Stablemen, Simon, The third woman and the Singer. I am going to look at the Singer. Berlolt Brecht and his techniques Brecht was a very political and scientific writer he didnt agree with all of the political actions at that time. Hitler wanted to kill him after some bad publicity from Brecht so, he fled to America where he wrote this plays. He wrote parable plays to try and get a point over to the audience, each play had a different moral; he tried to change peoples minds on their political views. In order to keep the audience from getting too involved in each play, Brecht only names certain characters. Creating characters that overpower the audience is not good; it can make the audience only think about that one character. Brecht doesnt really have any one main or higher character (thinking in levels of importance and wealth) as all the focus would be put on them. He does include very powerful characters at times, i. e. the Governor, yet he dies soon after he is introduced. This also includes giving characters names. People can get too attached to a certain character if we learn too much about them. An example of this technique is shown in the following quote THE EXPERT: comrade Agronomist! THE AGRONOMIST: Last winter (Page 6, The Expert The Agronomist). Brecht doesnt directly name characters i. e. The young woman, The peasant woman. He also does not like to normally say anything about that character, history or any extra information. He tries to include as many characters as possible so you cannot become attached to them and you concentrate on the story line and the moral. In scene 1 there are 14 or 15 different characters, in scene 2, 22 characters are included. He tries to avoid long one on one confrontations and keeps on including other people here and there. (Ref. Page 20, where the Nurse interrupts the conversation between the Governors Wife and the adjutant and on page 22 when lots of characters are involved in large discussion). This makes people stop thinking about what has happened and concentrate more on what is happening right then. Brecht structures plays differently he creates each scene to portray a story, this is called episodical, people were free to walk in and out of the theatre and alcohol could be brought in. The public liked this, and that encouraged them to come to more of his plays. His main goal was to get people to think about the story line, during and after the play so another technique he had was to stop and change the tense people spoke in, Scene 2, page 13, GRUSHA: I dont understand the solider. Whats so good about it? She changes tense from 1st person to 3rd person, this distracts the audience and hopefully makes them think more carefully about what she meant by that. Brecht liked to used techniques like this to kept the audience listening he wanted them to at most ease whilst watching so they can soak in the moral of each episodic scene. I believe, the most important trick Brecht used to keep the audiences occupied was by linking each character with an object. Grusha, for example, after she became engaged to Simon, he placed a silver cross on a chain around her neck. From this moment onwards someone else can play Grusha but the audience will still know it is her character by the silver cross and chain. The Governor and his wife are portrayed by the wearing of rich garments. An example of this is when the Governors wife says Why? I must have the silver dress it cost 1000 piastres. And that one there, and all my furs.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
History of Federal Taxation in the United States
History of Federal Taxation in the United States The existing taxation policies in the U.S. have been characterized by a myriad of changes over the decades as a result of variations in the governments roles as well as the changing circumstances. The U.S. Department of Treasury asserted that the kinds of taxes imposed, their percentages as well as the size of the collections differ from what they were 100 years ago due to various historical events, including the war, the 16th Constitutional Amendment, changes in the society, economy, and the changes in the governments roles and responsibilities. During the colonial times and the post-revolutionary era, which spanned from 1791 to 1802, the U.S. had no income tax law. Therefore, to finance its roles and responsibilities, it relied on the contributions made by the states and internal taxes on whiskey and other distilled spirits, tobacco and snuff, refined sugar, carriages, properties sold at auction, slaves, and the corporate bonds (Sandbox Networks, Inc.). When President Jefferson was elected in 1802, he abolished these direct taxes, leaving the federal government, for the next decade, with only the internal revenue taxes. However, in 1812, more funds were needed to finance the war and Congress imposed extra excise taxes, issued Treasury notes, and raised certain customs duties (U.S. Department of the Treasury). In 1817, all these taxes were cancelled and for the following 44 years, the country relied on the customs duties and the public land sales for its revenues. Upon the eruption of the Civil War, Congress enacted the Revenue Act of 1861, reintroducing the former excise taxes and imposing taxes on personal earnings at a rate of 3% on all incomes above $800 a year (U.S. Department of the Treasury). However, due to some noted inadequacies, the personal income taxes became effective only in 1862. The increased cost of the war made Congress pass a new excise tax law in 1862 focusing on items like the pianos, gunpowder, feathers, playing cards, leather, iron, drugs, patent medicines, telegrams, billiard tables, whisky, legal documents, and license fees. In 1872, the income tax was abolished, but it was again revived in 1894 and 1895 before being deemed unconstitutional (Sandbox Networks, Inc.). The 16th Amendment of 1913 reintroduced the income tax and made it a permanent item in the U.S. tax system. Through this law, Congress imposed taxes on incomes of both individuals and corporations. The U.S. entry into World War I saw Congress pass in 1916 and 1918 Revenue Acts, all increasing the tax rates. In 1943, there was an introduction of the withholding taxes on wages. The need for more far-reaching reforms in the U.S. tax system led to the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which lowered the individual income tax rate from 50% to 28%. Other notable changes to the U.S. tax system were made through the 1993 Revenue Reconciliation Act and the 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 under the Clinton and George Bush administrations, respectively. Taxation is an important fiscal policy item in every economy. The view of this paper in regard to the contribution of the taxation on the economic growth depends on its policy, the purpose for which it is collected and the administration. Lower tax rates for the lower-income groups have been linked with improvements in the economy, especially through the creation of jobs (Worstall). This idea of spurring the economic growth by reducing the tax rate was advocated for by President Reagan in 1986 due to the effects on the economic incentives experienced by businesses and individuals. Therefore, the government should reduce the marginal tax rates with a view to significantly expand the tax base. Also, a tax imposed to collect revenues to finance war activities may not lead to improvement in economy unlike the one used to finance various economic activities. Works Cited Sandbox Networks, Inc. History of the Income Tax in the United States. 2017, Accessed 17 Jan. 2017 US Department of the Treasury. History of the US Tax System. Aug. 2003, Accessed 17 Jan. 2017 Worstall, Tim. Tax Cuts Do Increase Employment, Do Create Jobs, the Science Is In. Forbes, 22 Apr. 2015, Accessed 17 Jan. 2017
Friday, October 25, 2019
World War I and the Domestic Casualty of the Industrial Workers of the World :: World History Workers Work Essays
World War I and the Domestic Casualty of the Industrial Workers of the World The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) worked in the early 20th century to organize all labor to collectively strive for the interests of labor and in order to create a more democratic society, in spite of possible resistance from the interests of capital and the repercussions that were to occur in reaction to organizing (Bird et al 1). Although, in a mostly defunct form, it still exists today as an international labor union, the height of the labor movement occurred towards the mid-late 1910’s, with the practical demise of its influence occurring during the time in which the United States entered into the First World War (Bird et al 4). Persecution and physical harassment by the federal government, the exercising of the force of legal rational authority by state governments, cultural hostility toward the IWW, and internal quarrels of leadership and indecision in the IWW were the key factors that lead to the downfall of the Wobblies. The burden placed on common workers at the turn of the century, whether in industry or agriculture, was great. A mass of surplus labor at this time, literally â€Å"millions of laborers†, (Bird et al 3) had created a situation in which the private owners of the means of production could exercise a great deal of economic power over individual workers. While jobs were relatively few, unemployed job seekers and drifters were many. Thus, using the capitalist values of the marketplace, the market value of the commodity of labor was generally very low, and the workers, each individually powerless against the strength of employers, were, when fortunate enough to land a job, given subsistence level wages while oft working under very hazardous work conditions. While owners were securing what is perhaps the greatest interest of capital, profit, workers were coerced by the situations of reality to sell their labor to merely attempt to survive. Under the desperate drive of many hungry stomachs and desolate lives, workers saw a need to organize, giving rise to labor several labor movements. One of the most prominent and perhaps most radical and revolutionary of the movements was the IWW. The Wobblies, as they would become more commonly known, were officially formed on June 27, 1905. (Bird et al 2) The IWW was founded in the aftermath
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marraige Life vs Singal Life
The difference between the marriage life and the single life is there are advantages, and disadvantages. Although married life sounds stable, there are more benefits to being single, in the short and long term picture. (Marriage Vs Single Life. ) In today society a lot of people are being married and still being single. This particular way of thing has changed their lives. In this compare and contrast the difference between single and married people lives. Single life mainly has no responsibility at all. Being single you don’t have to come home to anyone. If you like being alone this is the perfect lifestyle for you. You don’t have to share your money, everything is about you. There are a lot of people that would like to be stress free no one nagging them. Single people can spend their time with anyone they choose. They can come in at anytime they like, and they don’t have to worry about cleaning up behind others. They just have to clean up behind the selves. Single people also have very big trust issue. Marriage people have the companionship of each other and their children. Compared to the single people married people schedule are too busy. Married people have to conduct their partners and children lives as well. Married people can’t live a free life if they want to go with their friends they have to let their partner know there are rules to having a happy successful life. Never both partners be mad at once, never yell all ways talk problems out in a normal voice. Never discuss your problem around a crowd of people, always agree with your partner around crowds , but if you disagree let them know later. Being married emotional support is expected or given with every thought or action. I would choose the married life over the single life. I love the sharing part and the company. I’ve always love being around people so I personally think that I would be a good candidate for the marriage life. I wouldn’t choose the single life because being single and coming to your own empty house not having anyone waiting for me to share my day or thoughts. In this conclusion being single takes a toll on you, while being married has its toll too. But you have someone too,but you will have someone deeply share them with a true friend for life like the marriage says. â€Å"Till death do us part. â€Å"
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Hip Hop
Black Social Movement â€Å"Hip- Hop as a Revolution†Music has played a significant role upon culture for Black Americans. From the spirituals and freedom songs during slavery to the jazz and blues of the fifties and sixties, the tone has manifested through different times, lives and moods. Beats led by drums and other different instruments have been prevalent throughout African- American culture with their roots being in Africa. As with any cultural ideals, African- Americans have continued their artistic musical expression through a new outlet, hip- hop. Hip- hop was born in the mid 70’s after a brief bout of â€Å"funk.†â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†-Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill is one of the most influential female lyricists of this era, in the realm of hip- hop. She accurately summed up the root for all hip- hop when she said that, â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†The original hip- hop artists had their roots in Jamaica, when they used spoken word over elements of reggae music. One of the earliest known â€Å"rappers†is Kool Herc. He moved to the Bronx from Kingston, Jamaica in the early 70’s and attempted to speak over reggae music. At this time, many Americans had not even heard of reggae music so, this style did not catch on. Eventually, Herc began to chant over the instrumental and percussion sections of popular songs. He learned how to extend these relatively short chantings by using a mixer and records. It was in these early days that DJ’s would travel, performing mostly at parties and acknowledging their fellow party- goers. Inevitably, the acknowledgement that the DJ’s offered their crowd turned into little rhymes. At the time, they were not called rappers or lyricists but rather â€Å"emcees.†â€Å"Rap is a type of music, Hip- hop is a way of life.†- KRS- one KRS- one is one of the longest- standing, most influential lyricists. Since 1984, he has been spreading the word and accurately br... Free Essays on Hip Hop Free Essays on Hip Hop Hip-hop is the latest expressive manifestation of the past and current experience as well as the collective consciousness of African-American and Latino-American youth. But more than any music of the past, it also expresses mainstream American ideas that have now been internalized and embedded into the psyches of American people of color over time. A part of the learned mainstream American culture is sexism and misogyny. Hip-hop culture is frequently condemned for its misogynistic exploitation of women, but this misogyny has its roots in the culture in which we live. Hip-hop but can be explored and used as a valuable tool in examining gender relations. It brings to surface the issues that face many young people, such as discrimination, peer relations, and self-worth that can be considered in order to bring about change in the misogynistic aspects of hip-hop culture and American culture, in general. For young people that do not hold sexist ideals, mainstream hip-hop may influence them to do so as it spreads and continuously gains popularity. And others are directly and indirectly supporting an environment that allows sexism to continue. Exploitation of women in hip-hop culture has become an accepted part of it for both the artists and audiences alike, and many critics blame the music without looking any deeper. When going to any hip-hop related event, my friends and I normally expect that women will be disrespected verbally and physically. I have often wondered why it is so acceptable for men and women and what the roots of the values expressed in the culture are. Hip-hop culture was started by black and Latino youth in New York City, which encompasses rapping, singing, deejaying, break-dancing, and graffiti-writing, but has evolved to be much more than that. It is now a lifestyle for many young people mostly between the ages of 13 and 30. It now involves music videos, fashion, language, the club scene, and the general way in which... Free Essays on Hip Hop Black Social Movement â€Å"Hip- Hop as a Revolution†Music has played a significant role upon culture for Black Americans. From the spirituals and freedom songs during slavery to the jazz and blues of the fifties and sixties, the tone has manifested through different times, lives and moods. Beats led by drums and other different instruments have been prevalent throughout African- American culture with their roots being in Africa. As with any cultural ideals, African- Americans have continued their artistic musical expression through a new outlet, hip- hop. Hip- hop was born in the mid 70’s after a brief bout of â€Å"funk.†â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†-Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill is one of the most influential female lyricists of this era, in the realm of hip- hop. She accurately summed up the root for all hip- hop when she said that, â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†The original hip- hop artists had their roots in Jamaica, when they used spoken word over elements of reggae music. One of the earliest known â€Å"rappers†is Kool Herc. He moved to the Bronx from Kingston, Jamaica in the early 70’s and attempted to speak over reggae music. At this time, many Americans had not even heard of reggae music so, this style did not catch on. Eventually, Herc began to chant over the instrumental and percussion sections of popular songs. He learned how to extend these relatively short chantings by using a mixer and records. It was in these early days that DJ’s would travel, performing mostly at parties and acknowledging their fellow party- goers. Inevitably, the acknowledgement that the DJ’s offered their crowd turned into little rhymes. At the time, they were not called rappers or lyricists but rather â€Å"emcees.†â€Å"Rap is a type of music, Hip- hop is a way of life.†- KRS- one KRS- one is one of the longest- standing, most influential lyricists. Since 1984, he has been spreading the word and accurately br...
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