Tuesday, December 31, 2019
New York Meredith Books - 1185 Words
1. Horn, FW, Keough, C (1999). Better Homes and Gardens New Teen Book. New York: Meredith Books. p24. From the bothersome pimple on the tip of the nose and roller-coaster emotions to sex, drugs, and rock n roll, this authoritative, practical and easy-to-use reference helps readers deal with the teen years in a complicated world. 2. Froeschle, Janet G. et al.. â€Å"Strategies to Prevent and Heal the Mental Anguish Caused by Cyberbullying†. Middle School Journal 39.4 (2008): 30–35. The purpose of this article is to enlighten teachers, school administrators, and school counsellors about this new technological danger, describing the warning signs to help recognize both victims and perpetrators, and detail school-and home –based strategies for preventing cyberbullying and healing those affected by the phenomenon. 3. Subrahmanyam, Kaveri, and Patricia Greenfield. â€Å"Online Communication and Adolescent Relationships†.The Future of Children 18.1 (2008): 119–146. The purpose of this article is to examine adolescents’ relationship with friend, romance partners, strangers, and their family in the context of their online communication activities. 4. Hinduja, SK, Patchin, JW (2014). Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying. 2nd ed. California: Corwin. This book is an essential guide is completely updated with new research findings and evolving best practices for prevention and response to cyberbully, including: Summaries of recent legal rulings related toShow MoreRelated Integration of University of Mississippi Essay1468 Words  | 6 PagesIntegration of Ole Miss A strong and independent minded man named James H. Meredith applied for acceptance into the University of Mississippi. Meredith anticipated on encountering some type of difficulty with his attempt to enter the University of Mississippi, also known as the Ole Miss, but difficulty would not describe his journey. The day after John F. Kennedy was inaugurated in early January of 1961, Meredith requested for application into the Ole Miss. On January 26, the registrar of OleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Help By Kathryn Stockett1479 Words  | 6 PagesElizabeth, at the very beginning of the book is she would ever want to change things. This one simple question had Aibileen, or Aibee, for a while. Skeeter was also the only one in her friend group to finish college instead of getting married. Skeeter wants to write, which is why she went to Ole Miss for an English degree and graduating after 4 years. During the fourth term in her senior year, she sent an application to Harper Row Publishing Ho use in New York City, she gave up hearing back from themRead MoreAn Essay on Methland1094 Words  | 5 Pages(Reding, 16). The town of Oelwein in Nick Redding’s book Methland, through its illicit involvement in the meth epidemic, serves as a painful example to the effectiveness of this â€Å"global economy,†or in terms of the subject of this essay, the modern national-level market. The concept of a market is one that Meredith L. McGill tactfully delves into in her essay Market; the concepts from her essay will be used to analyze the specific market for meth in the book Methland. SUMMARY OF ESSAY The essay in questionRead MoreEssay on Waiting Til the Midnight Hour1733 Words  | 7 PagesJerome Carlos Johnson SOCI 3345: Sociology of the 1960’s Five Page Book Review: Waiting ‘Til the Midnight Hour by Peniel Joseph February 28, 2013 Waiting ‘Til the Midnight Hour by Peniel Joseph Within the eleven chapters that comprise Waiting Til the Midnight Hour lays a treasure chest of information for anyone interested in Black or African American history, particularly the civil rights movement that took place during the 1950’s and 1960’s. I am a self-professed scholar of African AmericanRead MoreAbortion - Another Day Another Dead Baby Essay714 Words  | 3 Pagesmean that we are still a part of another person. This idea can be related to removing a bad organ or an infection that will kill the mother, instead of an actual human being, murdered just for being inconvenient. Basics of Biology, a scientific text book states five characteristics of creation. It states that living things are highly precocious. All living things have an ability to acquire energy and material. All living things have the ability to respond to their environment. All living things haveRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Setting in Literature889 Words  | 4 PagesThe story has different elements that make it a story, that make it whole. Setting is one of those elements. The book defines setting as â€Å"the context in which the action of the story occurs†(131). After reading â€Å"Soldier’s Home†by Ernest Hemmingway, setting played a very important part to this story. From researching about setting in a story, I have found many wonderful sources that help me prove my point. For example, William Tapply explains setting in his article, â€Å"setting comprises all theRead MoreHow Does Class Conflict Affect Society and What Are Its Consequences?1324 Words  | 6 Pagescheap labour), starvation, poverty, unsafe working conditions or strikes between trade unions and employers. The book ‘Wuthering Heights’ is a perfect example of class conflict. Emily Bronte cleverly shows us the huge rift of classes between the upper and lower people. This book was set in the 1600’s, so one can say that class conflict is not just a recent discovery. Through this book Bronte shows us how class conflict affects society. The most obvious distinction between upper and lower classesRead MoreHow Does Class Conflict Affect Society and What Are Its Consequences?1338 Words  | 6 Pagescheap labour), starvation, poverty, unsafe working conditions or strikes between trade unions and employers. The book ‘Wuthering Heights’ is a perfect example of class conflict. Emily Bronte cleverly shows us the huge rift of classes between the upper and lower people. This book was set in the 1600’s, so one can say that class conflict is not just a recent discovery. Through this book Bronte shows us how class conflict affects society. The most obvious distinction between upper and lower classesRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Heathrow Terminal 5 Project1236 Words  | 5 Pagesthe client is the one accountable for cost, time, quality and safety. (Davies, 2012)BAA also accepted flexible pricing as opposed to fixed contract prices and that it will manage the risk of profit levels were pre agreed. BAA therefore developed a new approach to project management 1) integrated project teams 2) BAA s acceptance of the risk. It is interesting to note that a study on mega projects identified six processes required to execute a megaproject and the management at BAA showed how allRead MoreEssay about Global Warming is a Theory, Not a Fact1829 Words  | 8 Pageshistorical tendency to regard theories as the absolute fact. In the 1500s Copernicus developed a new notion that the sun, moon, and other planets did not revolve around Earth, but everything orbited around the sun (Dick). This, called the heliocentric theory, was later proven by mass calculations of orbits and telescoped mathematics that bluntly disproved the geocentric theory. When Copernicus published his new theory, his works were disregarded and immediately frowned upon as being a thoughtless hypothesis
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Differences Between Hinduism And Islam - 925 Words
Sexuality within human culture can have a wide variety of definitions and as human beings on a cultural level differences in â€Å"Appropriate†and â€Å"Inappropriate†sexuality can differ. The Hindu and Muslim traditions and ethics will be examined in this essay. Although there are very similar views between Hinduism and Islam the reasoning behind these, views differ due to the fact that basic key concepts of these faiths differ so tremendously. Although at a superficial glance the ethical viewpoints of Gender roles, Sexuality as a whole, Homosexuality ,and Sexuality as a whole seem almost consistent with one another. Although they differ in more ways than they are similar. Between Hinduism and Islam sexuality is viewed as rite of passage for marriage, in other words it is seen as a sin or a karmic setback to engage in premarital sex. However, the Hindu tradition is much more open with sexuality. In fact â€Å"Kama†or sensual pleasure is one of the four meanings or Arthras. The Kama sutra is literally a religious text devoted to sensual pleasure. The Fact that this text exists and how sensual pleasure is perceived, displays Hinduism is very open with sexuality. The Tantric tradition in Hinduism actually puts high emphasis on sexuality and lust. However, Tantric Hinduism actually is most known for its dictum â€Å"By the poison of the snake the snakebite is cured. In other words, attachmentsâ€â€sexual and otherwiseâ€â€are overcome and defeated by engaging in the things that lead to theseShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Islam And Hinduism1280 Words  | 6 Pages Islam and Hinduism are both very large, popular world religions. Althou gh the two religions have some common ground, there are many distinct differences between the two religions. Many of the differences are centered around two major beliefs. The two major beliefs are the means of salvation and the number of Gods the followers of the religions worship and believe in. Religions often answer questions about spiritual life. A question that is often asked is, â€Å"What happens after death?†Many peopleRead MoreDifferences Between Hinduism And Islam924 Words  | 4 PagesHinduism and Islam are two of the world’s great religions however, they differ in many regards including their beliefs in god, their ethical beliefs and the afterlife in fact, it would be quite difficult to find to two religions more different then Islam and Hinduism. One major difference is in their belief in god, Muslims are steadfastly monotheistic where Hindus are very much polytheistic. Another key difference is their views on the afterlife Hindus believe in reincarnation, whereas Muslims believeRead MoreAnalysis of Hinduism and Islam651 Words  | 3 Pages Amongst the various religions practice are Islam and Hinduism. Both of these religions are widely practiced by people who believe in the same ideals or concepts. These separate religions are similar to one another, but also contrasting. Common themes can be found between Hinduism and Islam, but the differences are predominant as well. Those who practice Islam are typically Arabic and are called Muslim’s. This practice is based off of the text called the Qur’an. The Qur’an is a bible of sorts toRead MoreChristianity, Hinduism, And Islam1054 Words  | 5 Pagesfollowers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they basically hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a â€Å"complete and final revelation†. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior will grant you the access to heaven in the afterlife. Judaism is founded by Abraham, and it is the base from which both of the other two religions.While Hinduism focuses on one ultimate being of onenessRead MoreMatriarchy and Patriarchy in Todays World1585 Words  | 7 PagesMosuo people of China are one of the few remaining societies that don’t consider a gender superior over the other but their wome n are seen as being more prestigious than their men and that may make the Mosuo a matriarch. Without a doubt, the differences between Hindu, Islamic, and Mosuo views on a superior gender are impacted by their different religions, and cultural beliefs. According to the U.S. History in Context attained from the University of Miami Otto G. Richter Library, a patriarchy is â€Å"aRead MoreReligion : Hinduism, Islam, And Christianity1079 Words  | 5 Pagesworship and to follow their practices. A few of the main religions over time have been Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. These three religions consist of ideas and practices that may be very different, but are made up of the same general idea expressed in a new form. Although their main differences, each religion seeks one thing, and that s an afterlife. Most religions are made up of a god or many gods. Hinduism is considered a polytheistic religion, which means more than one god. Hindu beliefs,Read MoreComparison And Contrast Of World Religions1194 Words  | 5 Pagestheir specifics, are surprisingly similar. The three most prevalent religions in the world are Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, in that order. All believe in a higher power that presides over and created man. Islam originated in approximately 609 C.E., or Common Era, and Christianity originated around 33 C.E. which is supposedly when Jesus Christ was crucified. The main prophet of Islam, Muhammad, is supposedly of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Both religions consider Abraham the father of the peopleRead MoreCompare and Contrast: Hinduism and Islam Essay872 Words  | 4 PagesReligion: Hinduism and Islam Every society is based on different religion. Different people follow different types of religion according to their birth or by choice. The major religions of the world are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Each religion is similar and different from one another in terms of festivals, practices and beliefs. Apart from Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are the two most widely practiced religions in the world today. They have their own traditionsRead MoreEven Though They Have Close Relations, There Exist Many990 Words  | 4 Pages Even though they have close relations, there exist many differences between Islam and Hinduism. Both religions existed near each other, and still do to this day. The term Hinduism actually comes from the word Hindu, which meant not Muslim in Arabic. While both religions might have originated out of the same area, their belief systems are nearly opposites of each other. Muslims believe in a pantheon of gods, so to speak. The li st of the Hindu gods is nearly never-ending, with each god having multipleRead MoreEssay about Marriage Rituals Hinduism and Muslim1169 Words  | 5 Pagesevent in contemporary society. It is a means of building new bonds between two individuals and their subsequent families. The foundations of memorable weddings are built on those that bring often-distant family and friends together for the occasion, while dressed in their most sophisticated attire, surrounded by elegant flowers, a night of dancing, captured through the lens of an exceptional photographer. Although Hinduism and Islam are two extremely distinctive religions, their matrimonial customs
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Free Essays
Connor Doyle Summary of Body Ritual among the Nacirema 10/20/2012 Introduction to Sociology The Nacirema Horace Miner depicted this cultural group located in Northwest America â€Å"living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles†(Miner 503). Closely imitating the United States of America. If you take a look at the Nacirema’s name spelled backwards, its American. We will write a custom essay sample on Body Ritual Among the Nacirema or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concept behind this is that Miner wanted to describe American’s rituals in a way that people would deem crazy. But in all actuality, it’s what us humans do everyday and never think twice of it. For if we forgot to do one of these things, we would feel uncomfortable all day long. â€Å"According to Nacirema mythology, their nation was originated by a culture hero, Notgnihsaw,†Hines describes that, â€Å"he was known for two great feats of strengthâ€â€the throwing of a piece of wampum across the river Pa-To-Mac and the chopping down of a cherry tree in which the Spitit of Truth resided†(Miner 503). This is referring to, what many religions call, God. It’s a universal feeling that everyone wants to encounter, that their is a higher power somewhere. He then goes on to say the â€Å"Nacirema culture is charecterized by a highly developed market economy which has evolved in a rich natural habitat†(Miner 503). This is refering to our Free Market Economy. The way we evolved in a â€Å"rich natural habitat†, is that we’ve always been prosepering since our birth as a country. With the exceptions of some down falls, we have been the world’s leading power. It states that the Nacirema focus a lot of activity on the human body and its appearance. He states that it is a dominate concern, making every other aspect in life second best. Though many cultures have similar rituals to this, regarding the body, these aspects on society are quite unique. They even believe that their own human body is ugly making it a natural reaction to try and improve your situation. They also acknowledge the fact that the human body deterioates and attracts disease. Since man knows these facts, the only option left is to perform rituals regarding the improvement of your body. He says that in every Nacirema’s house their is at lease one shrine devoted mainly to the self-improvement of the people. This is refering to what we commonly know as a bathroom. If you really come to think about it, the bathroom is almost souly used for self-improvement. Every action from shaving, to brushing your teeth is preconcieved and is subconcsiously telling you that you need these things everyday. He goes on to say that â€Å"the rituals associated with it are not family ceremonies but are private and secret. †Then he states that the only time you really talk about these rituals are to your children, and only telling them the basics while they are still growing up. Another big part of the Nacirema culture is the medicine man. He is the only one that knows what is in the secret potion. Every Nacirema believes that if they are to go without these magic potions, they would cease to live. It goes hand in hand with the culture of our society. If people don’t have a cure for the smallest thing, they still feel vulnerable. We rely on so many perscriptions, medications, and cure-alls for a quick fix. Without these things, we as a society would feel completely weak. They say that the medicine man can only work if they recieve â€Å"substantial gifts†(Miner 504), which is the same for our doctors as well. Even when the Nacirema have been done with the charms, they still keep the expired remains in their drawer just for safety. In fear that without these charms, they would remain vulnerable. The medicine man is even able to make a women’s breast larger or smaller, depending on the request. The holy man, refered to in the Nacirema culture, is what we commonly know as the Dentist. Miner says that in addition to brushing and maintaing their teeth, they visit a â€Å"holy-mouth-man once or twice a year. They refer to a Dentist tool’s as â€Å"paraphernalia, consisting of a variety of augers, awls, probes, and prods†(Miner 504). To the untrained eye that’s what it looks like. Not many other cultures around the world, that are not as prosperous, ever make visits to a Dentist. They go on to say that â€Å"these objects in the exorcism of the evils of the mouth involves almost unbelievable ritual torture of the client†(Miner 505). Their has always been a f ear of pain when attending the Dentist. Young children dread going every year, but to their parents and their society it is standard to have a high maintance mouth. How to cite Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Business Ethics and Sustainability Responsibility
Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics and Sustainability Responsibility. Answer: Introduction Kemper et al. (2013) states that Corporate Social Responsibility plays a crucial role in the betterment of the organization as it helps inbringing benefits regarding risk management, customer relationships, cost savings, innovation capacity and human resource management. Graafland and Mazereeuw-Van der Duijn Schouten (2012) also adds that CSR promotes the organizations approach towards the social and environmental responsibility. In this assignment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity is analyzed of Westpac, which is an Australian bank having one of the largest branch networks and has been listed on the 2013 Worlds Most Ethical (WME) Companies list. They serve 13.1 million customers with 1429 branches and a network of 3850 ATMs ("Westpac.com.au", 2016). They took initiatives for women empowerment, reduction in carbon emissions and associated with NGOs. Discussion In this section, the CSR implemented by the organization will be analyzed to discuss whether the company meets their economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic obligation. Figure 1: Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility (Source: Arnold Valentin, 2013) Philanthropic Serving the un-served- Westpac being a leading finance organization, they offer help in financial literacy and awareness among community along with the financial education to the children, who desire to serve their best in this sector (Arnold Valentin, 2013). Collaboration- They also collaborated with many NSO and housing sectors and take initiatives to support 100 students each year forever for setting a new benchmark in corporate philanthropy. They also help in charity work for old-age homes, orphanage and academic institution. Ethical Responsible, prudent lending, risk management- Westpac ethically follows all their business approach through corporate governance framework. Lanis and Richardson (2012) depicts that with this framework they perform their financial; auditing, risk and compliances, nominations, remuneration and technology. Figure 2: Governance framework of Westpac (Source: "Westpac.com.au", 2016) Fair and transparent financial services- Westpac handles the customer complaint before any other business procedure as they intend to serve for the betterment of the organization to provide a better life for the community. They also have Westpac Group Securities Trading Policy that prohibits from dealing in any securities with any stakeholders. Reduction in greenhouse emission- This context handles the Triple Bottom Line procedure that signifies their Westpac sustainability strategy. They have taken initiatives for an environmental solution as the baseline of their electricity efficiency in commercial and retail sites in 2012 was 202 kWh/m2 which they target to reduce up to 18 kWh/m2 ("Westpac.com.au", 2016). Moreover, Cornwall (2015) also affirms that Westpac taken steps for reducing the Scope 1 2 GHG emissions in commercial and retail sites from 141,726 tonnes CO2-e to 121,884 tonnes CO2-e. Figure 3: Westpac Sustainability Strategy (Source: "Westpac.com.au", 2016) Legal Banking regulations- All banks in Australia formulated under Reserve Bank Act 1995 and the concerned organization followed all the banking and financial obligation like- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998, Privacy Act 1988, Cheques Act 1986 and State Fair Trading Acts like Fair Trading Act 1999 ("Federal Register of Legislation", 2016). Economic Westpac continuously takes proficient steps for making more profit so that the nations economy can be improved. Logue and Zappala (2014) highlights that in 2015 they earned an annual revenue of A$ 2,788 billion which is 8% higher than 2014. Moreover, their good performance results in lending up of 12% and customer revenue up by 2% that ensures that there will be fewer chances of depletions and financial crisis. As a result, no employee will lose their jobs ("Westpac.com.au", 2016). Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that Westpac met their economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic obligation and continued to be the most sustainable organization as they are already the number one in rank according to World Economic Forum. Reference List Arnold, D. G., Valentin, A. (2013). Corporate social responsibility at the base of the pyramid.Journal of business research,66(10), 1904-1914. Cornwall, A. (2015). Cautious optimism on emissions reduction.Australian Environmental Law Digest,2(2), 26. Federal Register of Legislation - Australian Government. (2016).Legislation.gov.au. Retrieved 16 September 2016, from https://www.legislation.gov.au/Series/C2004A00310 Graafland, J., Mazereeuw-Van der Duijn Schouten, C. (2012). Motives for corporate social responsibility.De Economist,160(4), 377-396. Kemper, J., Schilke, O., Reimann, M., Wang, X., Brettel, M. (2013). Competition-motivated corporate social responsibility.Journal of Business Research,66(10), 1954-1963. Lanis, R., Richardson, G. (2012). Corporate social responsibility and tax aggressiveness: a test of legitimacy theory.Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal,26(1), 75-100. Logue, D., Zappala, G. (2014). The Emergence of the Social Economy: the Australian not-for-profit sector in transition. Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking. (2016).Westpac.com.au. Retrieved 16 September 2016, from https://www.westpac.com.au/.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Lady Macbeth free essay sample
Examines disorder tragic Shakespearean character as one fictional victim. Looks at mental physical symptoms, rituals and treatment. This paper is a study on one of the most common mental illnesses, obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, and one of its most famous fictional sufferers, William Shakespeares Lady Macbeth, whose compulsive need to wash her hands of an imagined contamination exhibits one of the disorders best known symptoms. Shakespeare dramatized her story centuries before OCD had been identified as a psychiatric disorder and its origins were understood by the medical community, yet he managed to provide character details that are consistent with the diagnosis of an obsessive-compulsive personality. Though she may possibly have been able to hide her need to wash her hands continually before the traumatic event of her complicity in the murder of the king that brings her bizarre behavior out into the open, this disturbing situation either aggravates the behavior or prevents. We will write a custom essay sample on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Lady Macbeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .
Monday, November 25, 2019
Gary Gikmores Letter to Nicole Essays
Gary Gikmores Letter to Nicole Essays Gary Gikmores Letter to Nicole Paper Gary Gikmores Letter to Nicole Paper The Executioners song Is about a letter that Gary Gilmore wrote to his girlfriend Nicole. He wrote the letter when he was in Jail, for killing two persons. He wrote the letter after he had spent 22 years of his life in prison. The letter Is from August the third, 1979. The letter starts with Gary telling about Nicole and her love and how he was not prepared for the kind of honest open love she gave him. Then he talks about his experience with bullwhip and hostility In his life and how It has shaped him. He Is also telling about how all these bad and negative stuff he has been trough has become natural to him and how he has accepted them He Is describing his cell In the prison. In the letter, he expressed that he is lonely with his thoughts and his feelings. He Is telling Nicole something about some old memories and nightmares and something about how this dreams make sense now and how that was a turning point in his life. He starts to talk about God and the devil. He is starting to realize how prison actually matches with him. He do not know what to do, in somehow he hopes to be executed, because e do not want to rotten up in prison. : He says that he has spent his life in prison to find God who he is has wanted to know for a long time. He means that he is just a victim of societys bullwhip. In the end of the letter he asks some rhetorical questions and then he says that she is always welcome to comment and suggest things. -God, I Love you, Nicole. The themes in Gary Gilmore letter to Nicole: I think that the theme is something about right and wrong and do not have a special reason why, it was Just the first thing that came to my head. But if I should explain why, it would be something about morality and ethics. It could also be good versus evil. What Is Justice for me? Justice for me is Justice is served. I think that If you have done something wrong, you have to take the consequence of It. If you had asked the same question 2 years ago, my answer would be; an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I realized that revenge is a bit for a childish solution. But sometimes I still get the revenge feeling. Gary Signores Letter to Nicole By Deterministic The extract from Norman Mailers documentary novel, The Executioners song is ears of his life in prison. The letter is from August the third, 1979. The letter starts and hostility in his life and how it has shaped him. He is also telling about how all he has accepted them He is describing his cell in the prison. In the letter, he expressed that he is lonely with his thoughts and his feelings. He is telling Nicole find God who he is has wanted to know for a long time. He means that he is Just a What is Justice for me? Justice for me is Justice is served. I think that if you have done something wrong, you have to take the consequence of it. If you had asked the same question 2 years
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Seahorse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Seahorse - Essay Example Nowadays Hippocampus counts almost 20 species, including Hippocampus ingens (dwelling in Pacific ocean), Hippocampus reidi (longsnout seahorse), Hippcampus erectus (Northern seahorse), Hippocampus kuda (the yeallow seahorse) and many others. "Despite previous taxonomic classifications as insects and amphibians, they are fish, cousins to pipefish and sea dragons, from the family Syngnathidae, Greek for "fused jaws." Like most fish they have gills for breathing, a swimbladder for buoyancy, two pectoral fins for balance, and dorsal fins that flutter as much as 35 times per second" (Arrigoni, 1989, p.358). As one can see at the picture below, seahorses have no teeth, caudal fin for speed and stomach, as the last part is replaced in seahorse morphology by enormous tail, used for great speed development. In spite of their beauty and grace, seahorses serve as the Frankensteins of underwater 'society', as they are apparently made of various animals' body parts. As their name shows, seahorses have vertical body and horse's head, situated perpendicularly to the body. Furthermore, seahorse has a kind of crown on its head, and what is most amazing about this body part is the fact that this coronet is as unique as human DNA (Lourie et al, 1999). In addition, their body armor is quite... Their snout and body armor resemble an aardvark's.In terms of their ability to change coloration, seahorses resemble chameleons, as they also mimicre in accordance with the environment colors. "Also with lizards, they share independently moving eyes, assisting both survival and predation tactics. They've borrowed prehensile tails from monkeys, and made a major alteration to the brood pouch of marsupials, with male seahorses nurturing their young" (Lourie et al, 1999, p.231). (from Long, 1995, p.192) As for the reproduction and prenatal behavior, seahorses are distinguished due to the unusual behavior of male individuals, or so-called mating rituals, which are typically attributed to the animal classes as well as to some fish species. Moreover, male individuals usually carry and accept fertilized eggs to order to extort brood in future, as both females and females have prolactin, the hormone that allows this form of hermaphroditic reproduction (Arrigoni, 1989). "Individuals reach sexual maturity by the next breeding season following birth, at the ripe age of three months to a year, depending on size of the species. Breeding seasons vary by species and may be restricted by cooler weather or monsoons, though some go year-round" (ibid, p.188). In particular, H. ingens is able to breed at 12 months, and it is important to note that couples are monogamous as a rule. During the breeding season, pair bonds are encouraged by daily greetings, when individuals prepare an entire performance for each other: change colors, dance and then promenade together by entwining their tails. Furthermore, the female individual puts its oviopositor into the male's brood pouch in order to transmit
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Evolution of the Leadership Archetype of Female Essay
The Evolution of the Leadership Archetype of Female - Essay Example The Devil Wear Prada MovieThe Devil Wear Prada Movie With the growth in the global economy, female leadership levels stabilized. This 2006 movie shows female power based on relationships of career, friendship and love in complex and at times paradoxical opinions. Female power relationships detailed in the movie, portray that women use power appropriately to ensure they maintain their business competitiveness. This surfaces when Andrea acts loyal to Miranda when she attempted to alert of the coup that intended to overthrow Miranda for a younger woman. However, love and friendship linkages depreciate as women become successful professionally. In spite of relationship drawbacks, such movies portray optimism and stable female figures for young females in the workforce (Danya 70).The Girl Next Door movie With the high and improved economic standards, their enhancement occur in life and consequently, because of westernization, social evils such as prostitution and production of pornographi c materials have sprung up. In this 2004 American teen film, the main actor Matthew (an honour student), decides to love for the first time a girl next door, but in the process meets challenging circumstances after he learns of her former porn work. The Patriarchal Archetype of Women Heroines According to the producers of The Girl Next Door movie,’ the female character, Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert) contrasts to her male counterpart Matthew Kidman (Emile Hirsch) in a way that Matthew holds a higher leadership level due to his higher education. Unlike in the comedy, ‘Baby Boon’ and in the Devil Wear Prada movie, where the female figure confers upon a high social class and at the same time cares for life (caring for the child). On the other hand, Danielle is portrayed as a reformed porn star. It is unclear whether she has any significant form of education. She underwent this social vice in order to sustain herself. During the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Corporate environmental management- business paper Assignment
Corporate environmental management- business paper - Assignment Example Although there has been increasing awareness about the connections between business and the environment, there is a gap in the knowledge base about how to best address the environmental issues that affect business performance. The project with McDonald’s contributed to this knowledge base by providing an example of how best to manage resources in order to minimize environmental pollution. The collaborative project was highly publicized so that EDF’s work received numerous accolades. Because the research project received widespread attention, it enhanced industry-wide awareness regarding EDF’s corporate environmental agenda. It had a positive effect on the public perception of EDF so that the company could continue to pursue its agenda of promoting the use of economics in the analysis of environmental problems. EDF specialized in advocating the use of market based incentive systems to improve the environment. The joint project with McDonald’s enabled EDF to capitalize upon this expertise. EDF was an environmental group that possessed a combination of economic, scientific and legal expertise enabling the company to address environmental concerns effectively. The focus of the collaborative project with McDonald’s was to reduce the restaurant’s use of material and generation of solid waste. It involved economic analysis in which the company possessed expertise. Therefore the project was concluded successfully and received positive press coverage. By collaborating with large corporations, EDF would be able to keep pace with the change that is taking place in the industry. In order to maintain the effectiveness of its program, the company would have to keep pace with the changes in market drivers and regulatory drivers. This objective was met when EDF participated in the collaborative project with McDonald’s. The environmental group specialized in the use of economic analysis to address environmental problems. When McD onald’s implemented the plan, it improved the effectiveness in supplier chain management. By implementing new management mechanisms and accountability procedures, McDonald’s was able to improve business performance. Because the project was highly publicized, it raised awareness about the connections between business performance and environmental issues. Although the project focused upon materials improvement and waste reduction opportunities, it raised awareness about the effectiveness of using market-based incentive systems to address environmental problems. Since this was the area of EDF’s specialization, the collaborative project contributed to the company’s ability to affect market-based behavior. As a result the company gained reputation that would interest other companies to hire their expertise as well. Therefore from EDF’s perspective the collaborative project with McDonald’s was a success. Question 2 The successful completion of the collaborative project with McDonald’s enabled EDF to promote the use of economic analysis in addressing the connections between business performance and environmental issues. Therefore the environmental group should follow up the McDonald’s project by developing innovative solutions for environmental dilemmas. In setting the strategic focus, EDF would have to consider several factors. One of these factors was maintaining the diversity of approaches. After the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Introduction to Noise Pollution
Introduction to Noise Pollution NOISE POLLUTION The word Noise is derived from the Latin word nausea which means feeling of sickness at the stomach with an urge to vomit. Disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft, and trains. What is Noise Pollution? According to Odum, noise pollution is the unwanted sound dumped into environment without regard to the adverse effect it may have. Noise pollution may be defined as any unwanted electromagnetic signal (sound) that produces a jarring or displeasing effect and which interferes with human communication, comfort and health. Noise pollution also caused when the loudness of the sound becomes irritating or unbearable. Noise pollution also refers to perturbations which interfere in the communication systems. The unit of sound intensity is decibel (dB). The sound intensity from 0 to 100 dB is pleasant but when the sound intensity exceeds 120 dB, it causes noise. Sound intensity of 130 dB is the upper limit of the threshold of hearing and beyond this, is the threshold of pain which may cause damage to car and leading to hearing impairment. So, sound of more than 130 dB causes noise pollution. Sources of Noise Pollution: The pollution of noise can be caused by natural processes or by human activities. (1) Transport noise; (2) Industrial noise; and (3) Neighbourhood noise. 1. Transport noise: The main threat of noise comes from transport sector. The transport noise includes road traffic noise, rail traffic noise and aircraft noise. (a)Â Road traffic noise: The chief causes of road traffic noise are the number of road vehicles and their high traffic speed. Faster moving vehicles produce high noise from their gear box, exhaust system, vibrations from their body, etc. (b) Rail traffic noise: The noise from rail traffic is comparatively lower than that from road traffic. Introduction of diesel engines or electrical engines has reduced the intensity of rail traffic noise which was previously shown by steam engine. Besides use of welded tracks and improved coach suspension have contributed to the reduction in railways noise, (c) Aircraft noise: Larger and faster aircrafts produce high noise intermittently during take-off, landing and during flight. Noise generates from compressor and turbine and near jet exhaust. Jet engines create most noise around a radius of 16 km. Sonic boom is an important aspect of aircraft noise. Sonic boom occurs when an aircraft flies supersonically overhead. (2) Industrial noise: The different machines of numerous industries, factories and mills produce a lot of high intensity sounds causing noise pollution. Some industrial processes like weaning, ship building, boiler making, pressing and blasting operations are nosier than others. The operations in pneumatic drills, milling machines, cutters, printing press with an upward, downward and sideways movement and vibrations, cause lowering of hearing capacity to a large extent. The noise pollution is further magnified due to the installation of industries in compact places. For example, the workers near the heavy industrial blowers in steel industry are exposed to sound of 112dB for eight hours and hence suffer from occupational pollution. 3. Neighbourhood noise: This type of noise includes antisocial activities of neighbours like using of loud TV, stereo, radio sets, jazz music, fireworks parties, playing of children, barking of dogs, neighbourhood brawls out of intoxication and industrial neighbourhood noise etc. The machines used in house construction like concrete mixes, vibrators, bulldozers, heavy diesel lorry, building demolition activities also add to the noise pollution. Noise is air-borne mechanical energy striking the human eardrum. A sound of 65dB is the noise level for conversation heart at a distance of one meter. A sound of 125dB (A) gives the sensation of pain in the ear and 150dB (A) might kill a human being. If a noise of 90dB in the mid-frequency range reaches the ear for more than few minutes, then the sensitivity of the ear is reduced. The various effects of noise pollution on human beings may be classified in to two categories: (1) Auditory effects (2) Non-auditory effects. 1. Auditory effects: The impairing of hearing which may cause immediate auditory fatigue finally leading to deafness is known as auditory effects. 2. Non-auditory effects: These effects include interference with speech communication, annoyance leading to ill-temper, bickering, mental disorientation, violent behavior and a series of health hazards. Â Â Permissible Noise Levels (Control): We have already discussed the sources of noise of different intensity and their hazardous impact on living organisms particularly on man. Still we work and live in the environment where the noise level is not optimum. Thus it is rightly told by Robert Koch that noise pollution is a slow agent of death. The peoples working in areas where the intensity of noise is comparatively higher suffering from progressive hearing loss, physiological (health) and psychological hazards including tension. The maximum permissible noise levels at different are summarize. . Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution: Noise produced from different sources has created a catastrophe to the entire living world specially to man. Hence, necessary steps should be taken to minimise the level of noise thereby protecting the living world from its detrimental effects. Few methods of minimising noise pollution are discussed below: (1) Industrial noise pollution control: The level of noise pollution due to industries can be lowered down by adopting the following techniques: (a) Use of improved technique: The noise at source can be reduced by replacing noise producing machines with suitable improved technique. For example, the noise from exhaust fans can be decreased either by increasing the number of blades or by decreasing the rotational speed. (b) Sound proofing: An insulating material may be applied on the noise producing machinery and equipments which causes sound proofing. (c) Transmission control: The level of noise can be minimised by covering the walls of the room by sound absorber (e.g. acoustic tiles), introducing gaskets around the doors and windows, sealing all the outlets and putting carpet, drapery and acoustic materials inside the room. (d) Creation of green vegetation cover: Plants and trees should be planted along highways, streets and industrial areas because the vegetation covers absorb and dissipate sound energy and acts as a buffer zone. (e) Using protective devices: The use of ear plugs or ear muffs or even cotton balls by the worker in the industry can protect them from hazardous effects of noise pollution. (f) Operations in open space: Noisy industrial operations should be conducted at open spaces far off from residential areas. (g) Use of Building codes: Certain codes should be enforced which require sound proofing in the construction of industries, buildings and apartments. 2. Community noise control: Â The community noise control includes minimization of noise from air traffic, transport system, building constructions etc. The noises from the above sources can be lowered by adopting the following procedures: (a) The air traffic noise can be reduced either by suitable technique or by zoning the area around the airport and not allowing for the construction of houses or industries within 10 meters of the airport. (b) The road traffic noise includes tyre noise, engine intake noise, exhaust noise, aerodynamic noise, noise from blowing of horns etc. Such type of noise pollution can be controlled by incorporating silencers in vehicles, maintaining speed limit prescribed for the vehicle and banning air horns. (c) The loudspeakers, radio and music system should be operated at threshold intensity so that the noise level should not be hazardous to living organisms. (d) Public awareness should be created to educate the common man about the harmful effects of noise pollution, through radio, television, newspapers etc. (e) The noise can be reduced by introduction of new regulations which mainly include lowering speed limits and designing for non-stop operation. (f) Stringent laws should be implemented to control noise pollution. For example, Motor Vehicle Act of India provides restrictions on heavy vehicles using double sirens while passing through populated areas. (g) The laying of ballast less tracks reduces the noise level due to railways. (h) The noise pollution can best be controlled by promoting education and research.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
political ideology in the media Essay -- essays research papers
Throughout many generations and years gone bye the media and presentation of issues by news sources have influenced society’s opinions on moral and governmental issues. Dating back to the writing of the constitution the general public was influenced by what was said in the media presentation. The framers of the American Constitution banned newspaper reporters from hearing any information regarding the constitutional meetings due to the fact that our founding fathers did not want to be influenced by the way the news was reported. In today’s technological society this influential concept may be even more prevalent with the advancement of the internet and the easy accessible news. In order to be informed you no longer have to pay a bill to subscribe to your local newspaper, but you can simply click on a story on a website and read the same text that appears in local papers. Two sources which are both easily accessible and well respected are the New York Times and the Wash ington Times. Both newspapers report on both national and local news pertaining to all areas that deemed being covered. Upon evaluating the ideology, bias, reporting style, and ease of learning new information, I found these two well respected and well known newspapers to be vastly different.      Upon attempting to navigate around the two websites I found that locating stories and specific writings on the NY Times website was tougher than on the Washington Times website. The NY Times ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Watch (English language creative writing)
A while back I bought a gun from a man who stole a mustang. He sold it cheaply: hundred bucks for A Browning 9x19mm Grande Puissance. Hard black plastic handle – cold to touch, black metallic covers the barrel and the heaviness weighs my hand down as I hold it under my coat, carry it to my car and place it on the passenger seat. A criminal – cold, alone it stays still. I drive fast, imagining the scenarios where my trusty weapon would be used. Trapping a burglar, stopping a murderer. I take it to my house, hide it under the bathroom sink – and never speak of it to my two angels. My abode: so secure and sheltered, it is often one which is of difficulty to find. One of which is so protected it is under my own lock and key twenty four hours a day. My family, like my pride of lions -spellbound by my fantasy boundary. My imaginary line of the strictest limit to the edge of our fence, unless otherwise approved. Strict guidelines set: to be followed accordingly. Blinds open at zero six hundred hours every morning, pulled up to the third stopper on the wiry string: all seventeen in the house except one. This, followed swiftly by waking the children up at the exact precise time as of when the blinds are raised, so they are able to carry out their chores in austere time spans of fifteen minute bursts. Following this: the children head to school, and I take my place on the antique grey aged rocking chair in front of the porch window, draw the blind down at exactly zero eight hundred hours and watch as the slender young girls and broad young men outside cross the only way to the secondary school placed two hundred and fifty six meters down the avenue. Although it may seem a disgusting habit, if you truly took the time to understand the utter belief I have in this art, then you surely would understand the necessity of it. For I do not spy on the children. I do not seek to harm their innocent bodies, or to even make an attempt to frighten or threaten them. All I seek for them is their safety, and for that one obligation to stay out of harm's way. I spy only upon a small yellow house, a mere nineteen meters from my very residence. Inside this small house, gleaming with fake satisfaction and false contentment. Hiding behind the sunshine beaming from the walls of the bunkers' exterior lives a man. This man, I have observed for many months now, and have found that his main priority is to stay hidden in the gloom of the shadows, behind his window. This window, like a mirror reflects myself. he follows the same routine as me by staring out of his window when my children step out of the door, but for different reasons these glares are seen . He, for different reasons from my speculation lusts for the young. Like a cheetah, he prays on weak, girls, only just becoming of age. The intensity has grown, focusing upon him daily. His routine has changed; he starts to water his grass at zero seven hundred hours every morning, and stays there on his lawn for approximately eighty minutes, so he can catch the paper girls attention each morning. The children grow suspicious: I tell them its for their safety. My main concern my daughter: Jenny, a simple thirteen year old. Dark chocolate brown long hair with innocent mossy eyes. Slim and tall, his favourite. He spies on her: I can see it. in the evening when she is allowed out for an hour to visit the park, or to visit her dear acquaintance Jona who lives in the next avenue. I watch him watch her as she skips nightly to her play date – strict instructions to be home for bed at twenty hundred hours. Months pass. The necessity for him to prey increases and an itch begins to develop. To be scratched, there is only one way. It cannot be let to get that far. Soon the time will come and the itch will be gone: the sunshine will dim and the moon will shine clear upon our avenue. I saw him again like a ghost to the window: he stood white against the moonlight. I saw my opportunity. For months he had invaded my privacy, tried to separate my intact stable home and ruin he only thing I have left that I can say is real. My daughter not his. I ran to the bathroom. Staring into my mirror I saw sweat dripping from my forehead. I reach under the pipe in the cupboard and find the cold metal press against my fingertips. I rip it away from the tape and cock the gun, It clicks and the barrel is loaded. Before I realise – I'm out of the door and in his back garden, feet imprinted on his perfectly trimmed grass. I shout. No reply – and again, a clumsy rattle comes from his kitchen as he fondles to find the back door knob. I lift my hand – pointing the shaft directly at his heart, he steps out. ‘Whos the-‘ cut off mid sentence by a bang. Disbelief is the only emotion I feel. I stand next to my neighbour in cold blood shaking – frozen. Minutes pass – a siren bellows down the surrounding avenues. I try to move, but I cant, cement is weighing me down. Four officers around me – surrounded I drop to the floor, weapon down. I smile. A cold room – alone, grey. All that remains is a tape recorder, a table and two chairs – one which I, the hero sit on, and another opposite. The blind is down on the window, third click on the wiry string. And officer walks in. standing tall, staring with intention. He doesn't have a chance to speak before I tell my tale. ‘A while back I bought a gun from a man who stole a mustang.' I whispered to the tape recorder.
Friday, November 8, 2019
horizontal gene transfer essays
horizontal gene transfer essays For centuries, humankind has made improvements to crop plants through selective breeding and hybridization, the controlled pollination of plants. Plant technology is an extension of this traditional plant breeding with one important difference, plant biotechnology allows for the transfer of a greater variety of genetic information in a more precise controlled manner. Since introduction of plant biotechnology, many farmers have planted millions of acres of biotech corn, cotton, soybeans, fruit, and other crops. While these new varieties have enhanced, crop protection reduced production costs and increased yields, raising concern among some consumers, legislators, and activists. Many critics of agricultural biotechnology have often been dismissed. Sywanen, a professor of medical microbiology, defends the concerns of biotechnology opponents in his article titled, "In search of a horizontal gene transfer". The impact of horizontal gene transfer concerns agricultural biotechnology critics who claim that genes inserted into domesticated organisms might be transferred to wild organisms, an example would be the transfer of antibiotic resistance marker genes to soil bacteria. Sywane's studies of bacterial and plant phylogeny indicate horizontal gene transfer is involved in evolutionary change. A disturbing consequence of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria is the potential for antibiotic resistance, and other traits carried on plasmids to migrate from one type of bacterium to another. There has been evidence suggesting that genomic DNA is transmitted in nature. In bacteria, conjugation is the most likely mechanism responsible for gene transfer. Another research stated that transposon-like elements are likely vehicles for cutting and pasting genomic DNA from one organism to another, and that viruses may be responsible for transmitting genes between eukaryotes. Sywanen argues that some of the gene frequency ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
the cat came back the very next day
the cat came back the very next day Question #2Sarah Masudi7143354Religion 209Myths are more than just creation stories, they are used to remind us how things used to be before our time. They also explain traditional values and different beliefs among different cultures, they shape who we are and our role in society. They cannot be denied because they are found in all countries.Myths allows us to ask questions and address the cause of the problematic, by addressing it we get one step closer to the ideal world, how the world would be if the problematic didn't exist. It makes us question things; such as how we are living today may affect us tomorrow. We try to find a way to diminish the problematic and get out of that situation, myths let us know what needs to be done to achieve the ideal. They have different contexts depending on the myth and where it origins, and how its interpreted by the individual."The pain of the profane world affects both individuals and communities, whether Christian, Hopi or Muslim" (F.Streng, p g.13).Humans realize how powerful myths can be to their lives and how they impact their daily decision. Such as when following a certain religion those who follow the rules and guidelines to diminish the problematic and to be one step closer to the ideal world. "The individual who discovers the ultimate reality through sacred symbols holds the conviction that, without the special powers that comes from myths and rituals, a person is sinful, weak and self destructive" (F.Streng,pg.25).People follow these certain guidelines through religion or certain beliefs that are set out for them because they don't want to live in a profound world. Therefore they go to the ultimate reality to find these answers. Humans are religious because they lack a...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Human Resources Management in New Zealand Assignment
Human Resources Management in New Zealand - Assignment Example (Muldrow, 1987). One person acts as the leader and all the members ask at least one question. There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with this type of interview. Out of the advantages a few are that it avoids making instant judgments as the decision is not just dependant on a single person, lesser personal interaction so it makes the decision more objective oriented, more consistent and accurate assessment etc. On the other hand the disadvantages include that it can be sometimes more time taking as it is difficult to get the panel together and different approaches and views can give birth to conflicts amongst the members. A formal interview where the questions are generally made in advance and the answers of the candidates are evaluated on specific scoring systems is known as the structured interviews. A lesser formal format and the question and answer session on the spot is what you call the unstructured interview (Terpstra & Kethley, 1999). There are a few advant ages and disadvantages associated with both types of interviews. A main benefit from a structured interview is that it provides a consistent tool for assessment and it promotes fairness. On the other hand the unstructured interview allows a personal interaction that is more than the structured interview so a better rapport can be built with the hiring managers. The basic drawback of the structured interview is that it restricts the assessment criteria for the interviewer and does not allow the candidate to give an interview openly as the questions are very specific. The tests that are based upon best future behavior predictor under alike situations is known as the work sample test (Cascio & Aguinis, 2005). The examinee needs to perform the tasks that are same as the ones performed on the job. There are several advantages and disadvantages linked to this test. These tests are highly reliable, have a lesser adverse impact, more favorable for the personality test whereas on the other h and these tests are costly, lesser ability to predict on the job performance, lesser capable of measuring the aptitude of the applicants etc. Provide an in depth discussion of the Human Rights Act, Privacy Act, and other relevant New Zealand Acts that relate to ‘good practices’ in employee selection at TQB. According to the Human Right Act of New Zealand the things that relate to the good practices regarding the employee selection at TQB are discussed ahead. The employer is allowed to assess the potential workers on the basis of their qualification and taking a decision, whether they will be best fit for the company or not. The employer also has the authority to monitor the work performance and see whether they pay for the work is worth it or not. The employer has the legal obligation of ensuring that the worker has a safe and healthy working environment, the issues of taking drugs etc are also related to the work performance so the employer is also entitled to take the decision that is most favorable for the company, the employer is also allowed ensuring that no worker acts dishonestly in relations to the company and other fellow workers. According to the Privacy Act of New Zealand there are several limitations on the personal information’s collection. According to this act the applicants for a position are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Direct Foreign Investment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Direct Foreign Investment - Coursework Example The growth of FDI has always been associated with the growth of financial markets in terms of market capitalization. This paper will compare the FDI in China and Brazil in categories of five factors that influence foreign direct investments. II. LITERATURE AND PREVIOUS STUDIES/ARTICLES SURVEY Research studies indicate that China and Brazil are expected to be among the largest economies in the world by the year 2050. The two countries are considered to be among the biggest and fastest growing emerging markets that have a significant long term growth potential. The two countries occupy a large geographical coverage and research shows that the countries contain about 30 percent of the global population. China and Brazil also have a combined GDP of $16.3 trillion. China and Brazil have an expanding middle class that is expected to double in number within a period of three years. This massive growth in the middle class in the two countries is expected to increase the demand for goods and investments. The two factors of population growth and the growth of the middle income segment make the two countries attractive for foreign direct investment. III. SPECIAL REMARKS AND PERSPECTIVES 1. Attract new sources of demand China has the largest population in the world and population estimates indicate that the population is expected to grow in the coming years. The country’s current population is estimated to be 1.4 billion people as of 2011. This clearly means that china has the largest consumer market in the world. According to Shaukat and Wei (30), large populations imply that an economy has a high potential of consumption hence creating more opportunities for trade. Investors are more likely to invest in China because of its large consumer market. The country has been recording large inflows of investments. The large population also acts as a source of cheap labor for businesses especially manufacturing companies. A large number of businesses have managed to establ ish their businesses in China because of the low cost of labor. In the case of Brazil, the country has a rapid growing middle class economy that has attracted a lot of FDI in recent years. According to Danhua (127), Brazil has managed to attract demand for foreign direct investment because of its rapidly growing middle class economy. The latest economic statistics indicate that the country has a nominal GDP per capita of $12,916 by the end of 2011. The statistics also indicate that the country has been recording an average nominal GDP per capita growth of 5 percent. These statistics clearly indicate that the country has a large purchasing power. The statistics also show that the country has potential prospects of recording an increase in demand for goods and services. This factor has played a major role in attracting foreign into the country. The above analysis indicates that China and Brazil have different factors that determine and influence new sources of demand. Whereas China dr ives its new sources of demand through population growth, Brazil drives new sources of demand through the growth of the middle income segment. Statistics reinforce the difference between the two countries through statistical data that support the two factors. China has the largest population in the world while Brazil is considered to have the highest growth in GDP per capita in the world. Estimates indicate that th
Thursday, October 31, 2019
W4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
W4 - Essay Example Oral communication has an advantage of receiving feedback immediately. It is the most appropriate method of communication for effective discussions. The feedback takes a longer period of time to be received in written communication (Keyton & Shockley-Zalabak, 2009). In oral communication, information is obtained first hand from the speaker and therefore there is no possibility of distortion of facts. Moreover, the points that are not clear can be explained by the speaker especially due to the fact that communication is shared between him/her and the audience. Gestures and facial expressions can be used to enhance the clarity of information. However, there are several weaknesses in oral communication. In contrast to written communication, the speaker and the audience must be present for communication to be achieved. The advantage of written communication is that messages can be conveyed in the absence of the audience to be read later. It also enhances remembrance since the information can be referred from time to time, which may not be possible for information communicated orally. There is usually a coherent flow of ideas while writing, some of which might be forgotten in oral communication. On the other hand, written communication allows the de livery of substantial information, which may be difficult through oral communication. However, unlike oral communication, literacy is paramount for effective communication; hence it might not be applicable for the illiterate people. Communication through notices in the workplace allows all workers an opportunity to view information posted on a common place. This is more effective than oral communication whereby some employees may not receive clear information especially if they were absent at the time of the announcement (Shockley-Zalabak, 2005). Leadership communication is significant for the accomplishment of the goals of leadership. Oral and written communications allow
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Role within this section Essay Example for Free
Role within this section Essay Discuss, in detail, how you as a performer might approach a role within this section. You will need to give details of the part that you have chosen to play and intended audience response. You will need to include reference to voice, movement, characterisation and relationships created on stage. We are looking at Scene 2, page 20 to 25, from the Governors wifes line Only essentials! Quick, open the trunks. To the end of the scene. This section contains the characters: Grusha, The Governors wife, Cook, Chef, The young woman, Adjutant, A Fat woman, Nurse, Stablemen, Simon, The third woman and the Singer. I am going to look at the Singer. Berlolt Brecht and his techniques Brecht was a very political and scientific writer he didnt agree with all of the political actions at that time. Hitler wanted to kill him after some bad publicity from Brecht so, he fled to America where he wrote this plays. He wrote parable plays to try and get a point over to the audience, each play had a different moral; he tried to change peoples minds on their political views. In order to keep the audience from getting too involved in each play, Brecht only names certain characters. Creating characters that overpower the audience is not good; it can make the audience only think about that one character. Brecht doesnt really have any one main or higher character (thinking in levels of importance and wealth) as all the focus would be put on them. He does include very powerful characters at times, i. e. the Governor, yet he dies soon after he is introduced. This also includes giving characters names. People can get too attached to a certain character if we learn too much about them. An example of this technique is shown in the following quote THE EXPERT: comrade Agronomist! THE AGRONOMIST: Last winter (Page 6, The Expert The Agronomist). Brecht doesnt directly name characters i. e. The young woman, The peasant woman. He also does not like to normally say anything about that character, history or any extra information. He tries to include as many characters as possible so you cannot become attached to them and you concentrate on the story line and the moral. In scene 1 there are 14 or 15 different characters, in scene 2, 22 characters are included. He tries to avoid long one on one confrontations and keeps on including other people here and there. (Ref. Page 20, where the Nurse interrupts the conversation between the Governors Wife and the adjutant and on page 22 when lots of characters are involved in large discussion). This makes people stop thinking about what has happened and concentrate more on what is happening right then. Brecht structures plays differently he creates each scene to portray a story, this is called episodical, people were free to walk in and out of the theatre and alcohol could be brought in. The public liked this, and that encouraged them to come to more of his plays. His main goal was to get people to think about the story line, during and after the play so another technique he had was to stop and change the tense people spoke in, Scene 2, page 13, GRUSHA: I dont understand the solider. Whats so good about it? She changes tense from 1st person to 3rd person, this distracts the audience and hopefully makes them think more carefully about what she meant by that. Brecht liked to used techniques like this to kept the audience listening he wanted them to at most ease whilst watching so they can soak in the moral of each episodic scene. I believe, the most important trick Brecht used to keep the audiences occupied was by linking each character with an object. Grusha, for example, after she became engaged to Simon, he placed a silver cross on a chain around her neck. From this moment onwards someone else can play Grusha but the audience will still know it is her character by the silver cross and chain. The Governor and his wife are portrayed by the wearing of rich garments. An example of this is when the Governors wife says Why? I must have the silver dress it cost 1000 piastres. And that one there, and all my furs.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
History of Federal Taxation in the United States
History of Federal Taxation in the United States The existing taxation policies in the U.S. have been characterized by a myriad of changes over the decades as a result of variations in the governments roles as well as the changing circumstances. The U.S. Department of Treasury asserted that the kinds of taxes imposed, their percentages as well as the size of the collections differ from what they were 100 years ago due to various historical events, including the war, the 16th Constitutional Amendment, changes in the society, economy, and the changes in the governments roles and responsibilities. During the colonial times and the post-revolutionary era, which spanned from 1791 to 1802, the U.S. had no income tax law. Therefore, to finance its roles and responsibilities, it relied on the contributions made by the states and internal taxes on whiskey and other distilled spirits, tobacco and snuff, refined sugar, carriages, properties sold at auction, slaves, and the corporate bonds (Sandbox Networks, Inc.). When President Jefferson was elected in 1802, he abolished these direct taxes, leaving the federal government, for the next decade, with only the internal revenue taxes. However, in 1812, more funds were needed to finance the war and Congress imposed extra excise taxes, issued Treasury notes, and raised certain customs duties (U.S. Department of the Treasury). In 1817, all these taxes were cancelled and for the following 44 years, the country relied on the customs duties and the public land sales for its revenues. Upon the eruption of the Civil War, Congress enacted the Revenue Act of 1861, reintroducing the former excise taxes and imposing taxes on personal earnings at a rate of 3% on all incomes above $800 a year (U.S. Department of the Treasury). However, due to some noted inadequacies, the personal income taxes became effective only in 1862. The increased cost of the war made Congress pass a new excise tax law in 1862 focusing on items like the pianos, gunpowder, feathers, playing cards, leather, iron, drugs, patent medicines, telegrams, billiard tables, whisky, legal documents, and license fees. In 1872, the income tax was abolished, but it was again revived in 1894 and 1895 before being deemed unconstitutional (Sandbox Networks, Inc.). The 16th Amendment of 1913 reintroduced the income tax and made it a permanent item in the U.S. tax system. Through this law, Congress imposed taxes on incomes of both individuals and corporations. The U.S. entry into World War I saw Congress pass in 1916 and 1918 Revenue Acts, all increasing the tax rates. In 1943, there was an introduction of the withholding taxes on wages. The need for more far-reaching reforms in the U.S. tax system led to the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which lowered the individual income tax rate from 50% to 28%. Other notable changes to the U.S. tax system were made through the 1993 Revenue Reconciliation Act and the 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 under the Clinton and George Bush administrations, respectively. Taxation is an important fiscal policy item in every economy. The view of this paper in regard to the contribution of the taxation on the economic growth depends on its policy, the purpose for which it is collected and the administration. Lower tax rates for the lower-income groups have been linked with improvements in the economy, especially through the creation of jobs (Worstall). This idea of spurring the economic growth by reducing the tax rate was advocated for by President Reagan in 1986 due to the effects on the economic incentives experienced by businesses and individuals. Therefore, the government should reduce the marginal tax rates with a view to significantly expand the tax base. Also, a tax imposed to collect revenues to finance war activities may not lead to improvement in economy unlike the one used to finance various economic activities. Works Cited Sandbox Networks, Inc. History of the Income Tax in the United States. 2017, http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005921.html. Accessed 17 Jan. 2017 US Department of the Treasury. History of the US Tax System. Aug. 2003, http://www.policyalmanac.org/economic/archive/tax_history.shtml. Accessed 17 Jan. 2017 Worstall, Tim. Tax Cuts Do Increase Employment, Do Create Jobs, the Science Is In. Forbes, 22 Apr. 2015, http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/04/22/tax-cuts-do-increase-employment-do-create-jobs-the-science-is-in/#28d752437382. Accessed 17 Jan. 2017
Friday, October 25, 2019
World War I and the Domestic Casualty of the Industrial Workers of the World :: World History Workers Work Essays
World War I and the Domestic Casualty of the Industrial Workers of the World The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) worked in the early 20th century to organize all labor to collectively strive for the interests of labor and in order to create a more democratic society, in spite of possible resistance from the interests of capital and the repercussions that were to occur in reaction to organizing (Bird et al 1). Although, in a mostly defunct form, it still exists today as an international labor union, the height of the labor movement occurred towards the mid-late 1910’s, with the practical demise of its influence occurring during the time in which the United States entered into the First World War (Bird et al 4). Persecution and physical harassment by the federal government, the exercising of the force of legal rational authority by state governments, cultural hostility toward the IWW, and internal quarrels of leadership and indecision in the IWW were the key factors that lead to the downfall of the Wobblies. The burden placed on common workers at the turn of the century, whether in industry or agriculture, was great. A mass of surplus labor at this time, literally â€Å"millions of laborers†, (Bird et al 3) had created a situation in which the private owners of the means of production could exercise a great deal of economic power over individual workers. While jobs were relatively few, unemployed job seekers and drifters were many. Thus, using the capitalist values of the marketplace, the market value of the commodity of labor was generally very low, and the workers, each individually powerless against the strength of employers, were, when fortunate enough to land a job, given subsistence level wages while oft working under very hazardous work conditions. While owners were securing what is perhaps the greatest interest of capital, profit, workers were coerced by the situations of reality to sell their labor to merely attempt to survive. Under the desperate drive of many hungry stomachs and desolate lives, workers saw a need to organize, giving rise to labor several labor movements. One of the most prominent and perhaps most radical and revolutionary of the movements was the IWW. The Wobblies, as they would become more commonly known, were officially formed on June 27, 1905. (Bird et al 2) The IWW was founded in the aftermath
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marraige Life vs Singal Life
The difference between the marriage life and the single life is there are advantages, and disadvantages. Although married life sounds stable, there are more benefits to being single, in the short and long term picture. (Marriage Vs Single Life. ) In today society a lot of people are being married and still being single. This particular way of thing has changed their lives. In this compare and contrast the difference between single and married people lives. Single life mainly has no responsibility at all. Being single you don’t have to come home to anyone. If you like being alone this is the perfect lifestyle for you. You don’t have to share your money, everything is about you. There are a lot of people that would like to be stress free no one nagging them. Single people can spend their time with anyone they choose. They can come in at anytime they like, and they don’t have to worry about cleaning up behind others. They just have to clean up behind the selves. Single people also have very big trust issue. Marriage people have the companionship of each other and their children. Compared to the single people married people schedule are too busy. Married people have to conduct their partners and children lives as well. Married people can’t live a free life if they want to go with their friends they have to let their partner know there are rules to having a happy successful life. Never both partners be mad at once, never yell all ways talk problems out in a normal voice. Never discuss your problem around a crowd of people, always agree with your partner around crowds , but if you disagree let them know later. Being married emotional support is expected or given with every thought or action. I would choose the married life over the single life. I love the sharing part and the company. I’ve always love being around people so I personally think that I would be a good candidate for the marriage life. I wouldn’t choose the single life because being single and coming to your own empty house not having anyone waiting for me to share my day or thoughts. In this conclusion being single takes a toll on you, while being married has its toll too. But you have someone too,but you will have someone deeply share them with a true friend for life like the marriage says. â€Å"Till death do us part. â€Å"
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Hip Hop
Black Social Movement â€Å"Hip- Hop as a Revolution†Music has played a significant role upon culture for Black Americans. From the spirituals and freedom songs during slavery to the jazz and blues of the fifties and sixties, the tone has manifested through different times, lives and moods. Beats led by drums and other different instruments have been prevalent throughout African- American culture with their roots being in Africa. As with any cultural ideals, African- Americans have continued their artistic musical expression through a new outlet, hip- hop. Hip- hop was born in the mid 70’s after a brief bout of â€Å"funk.†â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†-Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill is one of the most influential female lyricists of this era, in the realm of hip- hop. She accurately summed up the root for all hip- hop when she said that, â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†The original hip- hop artists had their roots in Jamaica, when they used spoken word over elements of reggae music. One of the earliest known â€Å"rappers†is Kool Herc. He moved to the Bronx from Kingston, Jamaica in the early 70’s and attempted to speak over reggae music. At this time, many Americans had not even heard of reggae music so, this style did not catch on. Eventually, Herc began to chant over the instrumental and percussion sections of popular songs. He learned how to extend these relatively short chantings by using a mixer and records. It was in these early days that DJ’s would travel, performing mostly at parties and acknowledging their fellow party- goers. Inevitably, the acknowledgement that the DJ’s offered their crowd turned into little rhymes. At the time, they were not called rappers or lyricists but rather â€Å"emcees.†â€Å"Rap is a type of music, Hip- hop is a way of life.†- KRS- one KRS- one is one of the longest- standing, most influential lyricists. Since 1984, he has been spreading the word and accurately br... Free Essays on Hip Hop Free Essays on Hip Hop Hip-hop is the latest expressive manifestation of the past and current experience as well as the collective consciousness of African-American and Latino-American youth. But more than any music of the past, it also expresses mainstream American ideas that have now been internalized and embedded into the psyches of American people of color over time. A part of the learned mainstream American culture is sexism and misogyny. Hip-hop culture is frequently condemned for its misogynistic exploitation of women, but this misogyny has its roots in the culture in which we live. Hip-hop but can be explored and used as a valuable tool in examining gender relations. It brings to surface the issues that face many young people, such as discrimination, peer relations, and self-worth that can be considered in order to bring about change in the misogynistic aspects of hip-hop culture and American culture, in general. For young people that do not hold sexist ideals, mainstream hip-hop may influence them to do so as it spreads and continuously gains popularity. And others are directly and indirectly supporting an environment that allows sexism to continue. Exploitation of women in hip-hop culture has become an accepted part of it for both the artists and audiences alike, and many critics blame the music without looking any deeper. When going to any hip-hop related event, my friends and I normally expect that women will be disrespected verbally and physically. I have often wondered why it is so acceptable for men and women and what the roots of the values expressed in the culture are. Hip-hop culture was started by black and Latino youth in New York City, which encompasses rapping, singing, deejaying, break-dancing, and graffiti-writing, but has evolved to be much more than that. It is now a lifestyle for many young people mostly between the ages of 13 and 30. It now involves music videos, fashion, language, the club scene, and the general way in which... Free Essays on Hip Hop Black Social Movement â€Å"Hip- Hop as a Revolution†Music has played a significant role upon culture for Black Americans. From the spirituals and freedom songs during slavery to the jazz and blues of the fifties and sixties, the tone has manifested through different times, lives and moods. Beats led by drums and other different instruments have been prevalent throughout African- American culture with their roots being in Africa. As with any cultural ideals, African- Americans have continued their artistic musical expression through a new outlet, hip- hop. Hip- hop was born in the mid 70’s after a brief bout of â€Å"funk.†â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†-Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill is one of the most influential female lyricists of this era, in the realm of hip- hop. She accurately summed up the root for all hip- hop when she said that, â€Å"Hip- hop started out in the heart.†The original hip- hop artists had their roots in Jamaica, when they used spoken word over elements of reggae music. One of the earliest known â€Å"rappers†is Kool Herc. He moved to the Bronx from Kingston, Jamaica in the early 70’s and attempted to speak over reggae music. At this time, many Americans had not even heard of reggae music so, this style did not catch on. Eventually, Herc began to chant over the instrumental and percussion sections of popular songs. He learned how to extend these relatively short chantings by using a mixer and records. It was in these early days that DJ’s would travel, performing mostly at parties and acknowledging their fellow party- goers. Inevitably, the acknowledgement that the DJ’s offered their crowd turned into little rhymes. At the time, they were not called rappers or lyricists but rather â€Å"emcees.†â€Å"Rap is a type of music, Hip- hop is a way of life.†- KRS- one KRS- one is one of the longest- standing, most influential lyricists. Since 1984, he has been spreading the word and accurately br...
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