Sunday, December 22, 2019
Differences Between Hinduism And Islam - 925 Words
Sexuality within human culture can have a wide variety of definitions and as human beings on a cultural level differences in â€Å"Appropriate†and â€Å"Inappropriate†sexuality can differ. The Hindu and Muslim traditions and ethics will be examined in this essay. Although there are very similar views between Hinduism and Islam the reasoning behind these, views differ due to the fact that basic key concepts of these faiths differ so tremendously. Although at a superficial glance the ethical viewpoints of Gender roles, Sexuality as a whole, Homosexuality ,and Sexuality as a whole seem almost consistent with one another. Although they differ in more ways than they are similar. Between Hinduism and Islam sexuality is viewed as rite of passage for marriage, in other words it is seen as a sin or a karmic setback to engage in premarital sex. However, the Hindu tradition is much more open with sexuality. In fact â€Å"Kama†or sensual pleasure is one of the four meanings or Arthras. The Kama sutra is literally a religious text devoted to sensual pleasure. The Fact that this text exists and how sensual pleasure is perceived, displays Hinduism is very open with sexuality. The Tantric tradition in Hinduism actually puts high emphasis on sexuality and lust. However, Tantric Hinduism actually is most known for its dictum â€Å"By the poison of the snake the snakebite is cured. In other words, attachmentsâ€â€sexual and otherwiseâ€â€are overcome and defeated by engaging in the things that lead to theseShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Islam And Hinduism1280 Words  | 6 Pages Islam and Hinduism are both very large, popular world religions. Althou gh the two religions have some common ground, there are many distinct differences between the two religions. Many of the differences are centered around two major beliefs. The two major beliefs are the means of salvation and the number of Gods the followers of the religions worship and believe in. 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